Goodbye Github Pages, Hello Coolify
Coolify is more than just a tool that lets me self host my blog. (It’s definitely overkill for a static site like this.) Coolify facilitates so much more. It can manage applications like Laravel, Django, and Nextjs. It can spin up databases like Postgres, Mongo, and more. Do you need a service like Redis, or how about RabbitMQ? What about your own Docker Registry? Coolify can spin up and manage all of these. And it can automate deploys and notifications.
GitHub Pages and Quakkels.com
Now with HTTPS
Run Plex on an Ubuntu Server at Home
This is how I set up a home media server with Plex, Ubuntu, and a home server tower.
Configuring Vim When Using Git Bash on Windows
Occasionally I become enamored with the idea of becoming a Vim expert, or at least a competent Vim user. I work primarily in Windows environments so, though the desire exists, there aren’t many good opportunities to build Vim habits. There is a Vim on Windows release available. This has a GUI interface and an installer executable. Though if you have Git for Windows installed, then you already have Vim available. Git for Windows comes with the ever useful, Git Bash. And, lo! Git Bash has Vim.
MySQL Quick Reference
A set of basic MySQL functionality for when you just have access to the CLI.
Gogs on Raspberry PI
In a previous article I configured a headless Raspberry Pi for Wifi and SSH. Next, I’ll set up a personal Gogs server on it.
Configure Headless Raspberry Pi for Wifi and SSH
Raspberry Pis are great little computers. Wonderful for running hobby services. But, whenever I start a new RPi project, I dislike needing to dig out my spare HDMI monitor and USB keyboard. I don’t like having to take up room, connect all that hardware, just to enable SSH and Wifi so I don’t need any of that equipment I just finished setting up.
Into the Nether: Linux
Come with me on an adventure as I discover how to make Linux look like the systems in movies that inspired me when I was young.