84 PPL: Legs


I’m out of the habit. Goals for the next few workouts is to just get in the gym and build up that daily/weekly routine again. I’m not going to even think about how far away my lifts are from my PRs. Just get into the gym and do work.

2x5, 1x5+ Squat (no belt, no sleeves)

  1. 275x5
  2. 275x5
  3. 275x0

3x10 Stiff Legged Deadlift

  1. 185x10
  2. 185x10
  3. 185x10

3x12 Homemade Belt Squat

  1. 75x12
  2. 75x24 (combined 2nd and 3rd sets)
  3. 75x

3x8-12 Leg Curls

This PPL program calls for leg curls. I need to figure out what to put here since I don’t have a leg curl machine.

5x15 Calf Raises

  1. BWx15
  2. BWx25
  3. BWx25
  4. BWx25
  5. BWx25

Bonus Bench

Just messing around with 135.

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