Upper Day
Close Grip Bench Press
Work up to 1RM over seven sets. Pause at the bottom for one second.
- 45x10
- 95x5
- 185x1
- 195x1
- 205x1
- 215x1
- 225x1
- 235x1
- 245x1 (Pretty sure this is a PR)
245x1 definitely felt like a true 1RM. I changed my approach to these seven sets compared to last time. The warmups that I had been including are now separate sets so that the seven can be closer jumps. This should help me do a better job judging what the top set should be. This was discussed by Mike Westerling in an AMA over on r/Strongman. It seemed to work today.
Single Arm Seated Cable Rows
Alternating arms.
- 45x10
- 90x5
- 110x5
- 115x5
- 120x5
This are new on this day. Decided they would fit here based on feedback from the good folks in the r/Strongman subreddit.
Log Strict Press
Work up to a 2RM over 4 sets. Clean first rep.
- 100x2
- 135x2
- 165x2
- 185x1 (argh)
Failed the second rep of the last set. I should have probably used smaller jumps here.
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