Pressing Day
Close Grip Paused Bench
Work up to three rep max over seven sets
- 45x10
- 95x5
- 135x3
- 165x3
- 185x3
- 205x3
- 215x3
Log Strict Press
Work up to five rep max over four sets. Clean first rep.
- 100x5
- 120x5
- 140x5
- 160x3 (failed fourth rep)
- 150x3 (work to make up for missed reps)
I’m following the Basic Strongman program from the e-book Built By Mike by Mike Westerling.
Today felt good. I was conservative on bench, but was too ambitious on log.
Airdyne 10 Minute HIIT
15 second sprint every minute on the minute. This was not part of Mike’s Basic Strongman program.
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